Food for Thought has hit the shelves.
It has been a journey like no other, writing a book that is not only beautiful but highly political; from meeting the amazing vanilla farmers in Uganda, spending time with the late chocolatier Mott Green in Grenada, to watching wild buffalo walk though a tea plantation in India. It has been an incredible experience with both loss of Mott, and the birth of my God son, Thor, who is the son of Arjen and Lucy from the Tres Hombres, between the pages. I have quite literally put my heart and soul into this book.
Several journalists over the past few days have asked me the same questions, who did you write this book for and which is if you could say one thing to your audience what would it be?
The first question is easy. I wrote this book for the children. My children and your children. All children. They deserve to grow up to a world that they can live in.
The second question is a harder question to answer, but simply put I believe that our health and the health of the earth is ultimately intertwined, and eating is not just about fashion, or trends or the latest fad diet, it is about nourishing ourselves and the planet, and yet eating is also a political act. This book shows us how we can easily use the opportunity of eating our everyday food as a means to change the world literally one bite at a time, by sourcing our food with thought, and standing up for the farmers, the food producers, and the people who are producing our food in the right way.
The photography is absolutely beautiful, and the recipes are practical,and delicious, but make no mistake the message is a powerful act of political statement of activism at the kitchen table. I am ever grateful to David Whitehouse, my wonderful editor, and Sheila Dillon of BBC Radio 4 food Programme for the foreword, and the amazing team that made this book happen.
I am also beyond grateful to my wonderful husband, who supported me throughout. Thank you.
Please do take a look. It also has my classic sourdough recipe in and my technique to get your own starter going.
If anyone would like a PDF copy to review please email me. Vanessa at sourdough.co.uk

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