GP With a Specialist interest in Asthma
Mohan joined the team at the Sourdough School to advise on asthma. When questions such as is there a connection between asthma & gluten intolerance are raised it is important to have a qualified and knowledgable medical response. As strange as that might seem in relation to bread, there are actually many questions around wheat consumption and asthma symptoms and inevitably the answers relate to the gut microbiome and the immune system. It’s good to have Mohan on the team to give the right advice.
Mohan qualified as a GP in 2016 and now works in inner-city Birmingham. He divides his busy week between working as a GP and running a community respiratory clinic. Mohan views his patients as much more than a list of symptoms and likes to get an overview of their lifestyle as well as their health issues. He says, “what I enjoy most is working with people to overcome problems that are affecting them using a broad toolkit of options including lifestyle measures, health coaching, group consultations and social prescribing in addition to routine medical management.”
Building on this idea of helping patients by providing them with information and practical advice to help both cure and prevent health problems, he has run a lifestyle medicine clinic and offered health coaching. He also has experience in motivational interviewing, and functional nutrition, which last year led to completing the AFMCP functional medicine certification.
Mohan says that his biggest challenge at work is time pressure. “I would love to spend more time with my patients” he tells us “but that is not always possible”.
Working at The Sourdough School
With an interest in how lifestyle and diet affect our health, it’s natural that Mohan began reading the research into the impact of the gut microbiome on health and disease. This led him to the Sourdough School, and he was one of Vanessa’s students on the nutrition and digestibility of bread course in early 2019. Since then he and Vanessa have kept in touch, and worked together to make information about sourdough, diet and the gut microbiome more widely available.
The link between lifestyle and good health
Having recognised the influence of diet in many health issues, Mohan says “what I find most fascinating within nutrition is the ways in which the gut microbiome could potentially be harnessed for a beneficial impact on human health”. He thinks this could be especially important for allergies and atopic diseases.
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